They Cry Peace

Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." To cry for peace in the midst of war is noble; to lay down the weapons before the enemy surrenders or is destroyed is suicide for oneself and genocide for those you are fighting to protect.


A baby boomer, I lived through the 60's and even then thought the peaceniks were over the edge. I was born again August 18, 1968, participated in the Jesus People phenomenon in Minneapolis, married, raised 2 wonderful people, a son and a daughter, both too far away to see often. Someday.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What happened in the UN?

Just where is the outrage from the left? Would this have been tolerated if that oily little lying weenie from Iran and that rotted despot from Venezuela had attacked Clinton? Or Kennedy? Or Boxer? Or Pelosi? Is no one in that camp the least bit concerned for our safety? Do they allow that to go unanswered to prove our international disrespect at the expense of our very lives? Or are they just crossing their fingers that nothing will happen until they're back in power so they can make the very decisions in a position of majority control that GW wants to make now?

I am nauseated by the news this week of what went on in the UN, that noble bastion of deceipt and corruption, so much so that I am speechless. My job allows me to have my headphones on all day and listen to Boortz, Rush, and on the way home, Savage. Boortz is a foot stomper, Rush is optomistic, and Savage is in a constant state of rage. If I didn't think the analyses as vital, I would turn to the sappy Easy Listening that plays Sinatra and elevator music. I hate Sinatra.

I'm trying desparately to assume that GW and Chaney are not tipping their hand, that telling the Hitler of the 21st century that he is a man of peace after his well received tirade is nothing more than a plan to get us through the mid term election after which, oh God, hopefully GW will take back his testosterone.

It looks like we have one more chance, this election, to regroup and call their bluff.

If I had any valium, I'd pop the contents to prepare myself for a heartfelt analysis of Jimmy Carter's patriotic contribution to international respect, peace in the Middle East and his diplomatic influence in Venezuela. But I don't have any, so you'll have to wait.

I've been taking notes like crazy every day for over a week, scribbling on notepaper page after page and have no clue how to lay it out. Maybe something will dawn on me as I try to blot out the whole thing. Oh, I suppose I could pray about it.

Pray for me.


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