They Cry Peace

Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." To cry for peace in the midst of war is noble; to lay down the weapons before the enemy surrenders or is destroyed is suicide for oneself and genocide for those you are fighting to protect.


A baby boomer, I lived through the 60's and even then thought the peaceniks were over the edge. I was born again August 18, 1968, participated in the Jesus People phenomenon in Minneapolis, married, raised 2 wonderful people, a son and a daughter, both too far away to see often. Someday.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another 24 hours

I'm pretty sure the two world slimers that filthed our shores this week were coaxed and coached. Now who would have done such a thing?

What part of the statement "as it was in the days of Noah" was I so ignoring that I was blindsided? All of it. And just how bad were the days of Noah? Bad enough to use up even God's patience. DO OVER!! Remember that line from City Slickers? When something is unfixable, declare a "Do Over." Start again as God did with Noah and his family.

But we don't want things to get bad at all let alone worse than they already are. We don't want our unsaved loved ones to be caught in the web of deceit. We want to fix what we have, pull on the reins, slap a few faces, assign some serious blame, and just plain fix it -- our way, whoever "our" is.

It is getting worse. And it will get worse than that, and worse than that. Look at world history, for instance, in Europe during the Dark Ages, that period of centuries between the corruption of the church by Constantine and the migration of the pilgrims from oppressed Europe to a new and free land. Never mind that, human nature not having changed a scintilla, those participants mishandled that too, since not all the settlers -- very few of the settlers --- uh --- nobody but Jesus Himself has had this religion thing completely right yet.

The Ethiopian Christians include the Book of Enoch in their canon. I have a copy of that and have skimmed a bit of it just to know enough to realize it's really complicated and requires some study. Now what do I do? Study a book of alleged scripture before I've mastered the scriptures I already have in the more widely accepted canon? Can I do both?

That was the thought this evening coming home the 23 mile commute in a fatigued state of "are we there yet?" after overtime. More overtime is on the manager approved agenda for tomorrow but it being Friday, I just may plan on pulling out the Book of Enoch (between laundry loads, I promise) over the weekend to browse for what the days of Noah were like. I do remember giants from the cosmos (bad angels?) mating with humans and teaching them sorcery. Beastiality and cannibalism rings a bell too.

So what manner of evil awaits the end of this age? What more than viscious acid tongues in our hallowed halls of Washington has to poison our nation to bring it full circle from a Christian foundation and world power completely and irrevocably to it knees in dissolution? How much hell on earth will finally sicken God, eat up His patience again, and push Him over the edge far enough to shout "Enough already! DO OVER!!"

How long will it take? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Blogger West Coast Awakening said...

I hold no illusions that liberal politicians and/or the liberal media will change. Their thinking is based on core beliefs that have no moral absolutes. Because of these beliefs, individuals are not required to be accountable and responsible for their actions.

Thus, no core absolutes, no accountability and no responsibility results in the thinking that abortion is good.

But my shame is that for a long time I truly believed that conservative politicians were the answer for America. Supposedly, their beliefs were based on moral absolutes. They would do the right thing.

Yet, though conservative politicians say the right things before election time, they invariably cave in two minutes after the votes are counted.

Conservative politicians (for the most part) are like clouds without water. They look promising but have no substance to them.

So, my only hope for America is a merciful God. And like Jane says, how long will God's mercy last?

8:24 AM  
Blogger Jane said...

Yes, Larry, I to deep down see the conservatives as simply less liberal only because their constituant base includes the truly moral. So their motives become tarnished and their catering to that base a temporary means to power. However, being all we have left, they become the lesser of two evils between us and the final display of evil.

8:21 AM  
Blogger West Coast Awakening said...

Sadly, you can only see my words; and not my facial contortions or apathetic stare as I agree with you. Begrudgingly!

The greatest enemy of conservatism is the same one that has gutted Christianity - compromise. And compromise under the false guise of unity will destroy America.

Compromise - almost always - ends up in defeat. It just takes a little longer.

Thanks Jane, for this blog, and I pray that your writing and your words become sharper and bolder.

9:09 AM  

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