They Cry Peace

Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." To cry for peace in the midst of war is noble; to lay down the weapons before the enemy surrenders or is destroyed is suicide for oneself and genocide for those you are fighting to protect.


A baby boomer, I lived through the 60's and even then thought the peaceniks were over the edge. I was born again August 18, 1968, participated in the Jesus People phenomenon in Minneapolis, married, raised 2 wonderful people, a son and a daughter, both too far away to see often. Someday.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Yea thy fingers are in thine ears and thou shoutest blah blah blah

The latest bloody piece of meat thrown to the sharks aka New York Times was single line from the document that the congress has had since April. Timing is everything.

That single line was a statement that the Iraq war has created more terrorists. George B identified the leak as a political move to influence the election a move from which neither party
can claim innocence. Nevertheless, a leak is a leak is a leak and classified is classified is classified. The people entrusted with this information who used this single line from this information can't be trusted.

So GW released the summary of the document.

"OH NO!" they cry. "We want the whole thing declassified to get the whole picture!!"

Excuse me. Weren't you guys the ones who were satisfied with one line?

If you go after a wasp nest in order that your family will not be stung again, will not that action cause more wasps to emerge and defend their home and sting freedom??

I saw on Fox this morning that a letter was confiscated. It was from one Al Q leader to another stating in so many words that their fear that the organization had been so weakened by our presence in Iraq that they feared they would lose the fight.

Did CNN (Crescent Nation News) air that? You tell me. If I use my precious time watching that, I will stroke out.

Excuse me while I relax in front of CSI. I could use a good autopsy to distract me.


Blogger West Coast Awakening said...

The first thing that happens in all warfare is that confusion reigns for a while.

But sadly, confusion seems to last a lot longer at the NY Times and other drive-by media companies.

10:18 AM  

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