They Cry Peace

Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." To cry for peace in the midst of war is noble; to lay down the weapons before the enemy surrenders or is destroyed is suicide for oneself and genocide for those you are fighting to protect.


A baby boomer, I lived through the 60's and even then thought the peaceniks were over the edge. I was born again August 18, 1968, participated in the Jesus People phenomenon in Minneapolis, married, raised 2 wonderful people, a son and a daughter, both too far away to see often. Someday.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

40 More Years of Patience

If the Muslims are just a little more patient they can have the globe in 40 years. They've already shown that they can hold a grudge for well over 1000 years, so what's another 40?

How? Remember when the idiot 60's generation wanted Zero Population Growth? The panic was that other countries were breeding like rabbits so the logic was that we take responsibility for this and limit ourselves to reproducing only ourselves or not at all. This was supposed to set an example? Has China followed suit? Yes, sort of. The government demands abortions but they still are the most populated culture on planet Earth. Yet, after 30 years or more of mandatory birth control they can still march in and take over anybody.

Has the Muslim world followed our stellar example of responsible breeding? Good gravy, Mavis, they have gleefully not!! They have observed that we are stupid enough to reduce our populace even in the face of our own population bulge, the Baby Boomers destroying our own financial system from within and have proceeded to breed like rabbits. Couldn't these college students in the 60's COUNT????

Operation Gradual Population Takeover (my words) is Plan B. It's all spelled out in Mark Steyn's America Alone. Plan A is violence. If we defeat them on the military stage, we're still toast by 2050.

There has been one very effective tool that has come from that enlightened generation that has become a trademark in political platforms ever since. It looks strangely like a scalpel and it has been butchering millions of our future taxpayers for over 40 years. Baby parts have been flushed down our sewers and littered our landfills for over 40 years. Not only does God welcome these innocent martyrs, He cares deeply, and although He is not surprised, He weeps for their pain. Yes, they felt pain. They recoiled at the intrusion into the womb. Their structure caused them to suffer more than an adult would.

I also believe He is royally ticked at this nation that was founded by Christians, the nation that looked so promising, the nation He has continually blessed and bolstered. After all, He promised Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that any nation that honors his decendants would be blessed.

We are one administration away from abandoning Israel. As for the aborted millions? I heard of a man in Australia that warned America that if our justices didn't reverse Roe V Wade and soon, He would remove His hand and simply let us slide. Since I can't remember the source, I will make it my own warning. We have a razor's edge chance, 40 years from this minute, to start making babies and stop killing babies.

What to do ......... Well, if I were God .......... if I were God ..... hmm ... there must be a logical reason why He's not handing over the wheel.


Blogger West Coast Awakening said...

"...there must be a logical reason why He's not handing over the wheel."

This is a good question!

My guess is that judgment has to come first to the church, to us believers. (1 Peter 4:17)

1:16 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Is that why I feel like we're about to be shoved into the kiln? Purification. You do realize I am leaning back as His hands are on my shoulders and my heels are digging into the floorboards?

8:40 PM  

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