They Cry Peace

Ecclesiastes 3:8 "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace." To cry for peace in the midst of war is noble; to lay down the weapons before the enemy surrenders or is destroyed is suicide for oneself and genocide for those you are fighting to protect.


A baby boomer, I lived through the 60's and even then thought the peaceniks were over the edge. I was born again August 18, 1968, participated in the Jesus People phenomenon in Minneapolis, married, raised 2 wonderful people, a son and a daughter, both too far away to see often. Someday.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Just Imagine

The following is based on nothing but my imagination and what I have concluded from what I can remember having seen and heard over my lifetime. The only thing I looked up was how to spell Coliseum. So if you wish to take issue with dates, places, and sequence, have at it and let me know. None of those details are part of my point.

Fact according to both written and verbal history: Christians were persecuted in Rome. Heads were cut off, people burned alive and used as torches for light sources, or thrown to lions in the Coliseum.

  • Were they sorted according to age and gender, and were the women and children spared?
  • Will the Iranian wild man allow Jewish women and children to evacuate and engage the men in a fair battle for Israel's existence?
  • Did Saddam whisk away the wife and children when daddy was jammed in the wood chipper feet first, thrown in the acid pool, or had a body part cut off?
  • Did not Saddam's men shoot a baby while being held in his mother's arms?
  • Did we not see photos of dead and swollen women and toddlers after Saddam's experiment of biological weaponry? You know, those WMDs we couldn't find?
I imagine cheering crowds in the Coliseum watching whole families lined up side by side or huddled together, mothers and fathers trying to shield their children from the lions' jaws, grandparents standing in front of them as if to fill the lions' stomachs before they reached the crying toddler. Others attempting to run away from the huddled as a diversionary tactic in order to distract the lions from friends and loved ones. I imagine the bloody failure of all these attempts. I imagine tears, screams of pain, anguish, pure terror in the hearts of these whose only crime was adopting a new faith in a loving savior.

I also imagine the crowd hearing sounds of prayers, praise songs, expressions of joy in knowing their future, peace in the midst of horror.

I imagine the concentration camps in Germany. Women and children were indeed separated from the men only to take them from anyone who could fight for them, herded into the so-called showers and instead gassed with cyanide, to experience a very painful death. I see helpless children screaming and choking, puking blood in front of their mothers, who were also dying equally horrible deaths as their children watched in terror.

I imagine lines of Christians who refused to comply with a world religion, a hybrid including sympathy toward Muslims and total rejection of anything Christian or Jewish. I see whole families who converted to Christianity after witnessing the disappearance of neighbors, coworkers, babies and children, the unborn leaving a sudden voids in wombs, all standing in line waiting to be beheaded. I imagine them being forced to watch and being ordered to take the mark or die themselves. Worse, I imagine these events being televised and those who took the mark either cheering every blood gush, or regretting their decision to sell their future for food.

I imagine close-ups of the faces of people I know, people I love, people I haven't witnessed to, either being martyred or damned forever. I even imagine the faces of those who've hurt me and realize that forgiveness doesn't hurt me especially if it means preventing that person from experiencing the worst of the worst of all mankind's inhumanity to man, past, present, and future.

I imagine being caught up in the air to meet my Savior, of the impossibility of having my tears dried, knowing all who were left behind.

I imagine there will be horror and bloodshed between this minute and the Rapture. Whether it is pre, mid, post, or pan, as in "it will all pan out," I want to prepare for a lot of ugly before the ugliest of the tribulation.

Just imagine.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Where did the Greatest Generation fail?

They did indeed fail somewhere, but where and when? Just how did we go from God, Mom, and apple pie to Dubbya handing the family jewels to Nancy Pelosi on camera?

When WWII ended, the nation was in a thrill mode. The housing industry and babies boomed.

The sacrificing gave way to prosperity, a healing ointment after 16 years of depression and war. "Whew!" had to be the joyful cry of those wonderful but brief 5 years after the Japanese surrendered. The peace was interrupted by the "police action" in Korea that everyone refused to compare to the nobler more clearly defined war we just won, then chilled by the knowledge of the Rosenburgs' treason, but when the atomic ceiling didn't fall, the ability to ignore kicked in and prosperity continued unchallenged. Just duck and cover. All is well.

Politics was a game played by cigar smoking men in paneled rooms out of sight of the General in the White House. It mattered little which party was controlling the house and senate then. The average Joe was earning a good living, the "wimmin" were having babies, and Howdy Doody kept the rug rats entertained.

Teens no longer worried about dying overseas and were more concerned with who to take to the drive-in as if they were interested in the movie.

Not having to worry about the next meal, not having to worry about the next dictator, America became increasingly bored, creating more and more entertainment. America, particularly the youth without a cause, was flexing philosophical muscles but had no clear idea what for.

Then.... a president was assassinated. That was the pivotal turning point when the government that was, up to that point, the strong trustworthy uncle, lied. How long, rather, how short was the time frame from investigation to gavel to the printing of the very thick Warren Report? Huh ..... they really thought we were that stupid. What will they pull next?

This was followed by an escalated war that was not a war, followed by a level of discontent not known or demonstrated until the 60's generation got on its high horse and decided that teenagers and college students not only know it all but are going to shove it down the wicked evil Establishment's collective throat.

Let me go on record saying I am abysmally ashamed to have been even the same age as the generation that brought us organized rebellion, military shame, communes, proud drug use, free sex, increased STDs, legalized abortion, and the second most damaging philosophy of all, Zero Population Growth.

Hill and Billy actually made it to the White House, twice, and demonstrated this generation's level of responsible leadership. Because of B.J. Clinton, a new generation of grade schoolers knew what a BJ was and that it was not sex.

Look at our government leaders today and tell me from whence they came.

To the warriors and the women who supported them in that Greatest Generation that freed us from two powers capable and intent on our destruction, I want to say ...

Dazzled by the increasing opportunities and wealth and the craving of it, unable to deal with the angst and the backtalk, unaware of your own disconnect from the generation behind you, you spared the rod and spoiled the child.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Religion of Peace

And I'm Daffy Duck.

What did the muslims, those the French news media reported as disenfranchised troubled youth, do to protest the French president's decision that one should earn one's bread? They peacefully burned cars and rioted in the streets.

What did the peaceful muslims do when Pope Benedict quoted a 16th century somebody or other who identified the muslim population of that day violent? They became peacefully violent. They blew up lots of stuff.

What does our waaaaaay too gentle and PC president say to support his programs to defeat Isamo-Fascism? (BTW, his advisors told him not to use that term anymore.) He calls it a religion of peace after they peacefully flew planes into the World Trade towers, that there are a few who are fighting us.

Well, y'all..... if someone walks into the room naked, I say "He's naked." And the Nazi-esque muslims and those who excuse them are really starting to tick me off!!

Turn off Oprah and pay attention already!

Meet Allah. Read this. Buy lots of these and give them away.

After you watch the movie, you will come away with a clear understanding that they are intent on killing us and why. One reason is that we aren't dead yet. Another key point is that they don't consider us human beings. We are lower than cows and they have the right to treat us as such. The most enlightening part is the pre-school age children being taught to hate, to be excited about blowing themselves up for the express purpose of killing Jews.

This ceased to be politics about a thousand years ago. Wait. It never was politics.

Stay tuned for some actual in-depth posts. This one is a rant.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

40 More Years of Patience

If the Muslims are just a little more patient they can have the globe in 40 years. They've already shown that they can hold a grudge for well over 1000 years, so what's another 40?

How? Remember when the idiot 60's generation wanted Zero Population Growth? The panic was that other countries were breeding like rabbits so the logic was that we take responsibility for this and limit ourselves to reproducing only ourselves or not at all. This was supposed to set an example? Has China followed suit? Yes, sort of. The government demands abortions but they still are the most populated culture on planet Earth. Yet, after 30 years or more of mandatory birth control they can still march in and take over anybody.

Has the Muslim world followed our stellar example of responsible breeding? Good gravy, Mavis, they have gleefully not!! They have observed that we are stupid enough to reduce our populace even in the face of our own population bulge, the Baby Boomers destroying our own financial system from within and have proceeded to breed like rabbits. Couldn't these college students in the 60's COUNT????

Operation Gradual Population Takeover (my words) is Plan B. It's all spelled out in Mark Steyn's America Alone. Plan A is violence. If we defeat them on the military stage, we're still toast by 2050.

There has been one very effective tool that has come from that enlightened generation that has become a trademark in political platforms ever since. It looks strangely like a scalpel and it has been butchering millions of our future taxpayers for over 40 years. Baby parts have been flushed down our sewers and littered our landfills for over 40 years. Not only does God welcome these innocent martyrs, He cares deeply, and although He is not surprised, He weeps for their pain. Yes, they felt pain. They recoiled at the intrusion into the womb. Their structure caused them to suffer more than an adult would.

I also believe He is royally ticked at this nation that was founded by Christians, the nation that looked so promising, the nation He has continually blessed and bolstered. After all, He promised Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that any nation that honors his decendants would be blessed.

We are one administration away from abandoning Israel. As for the aborted millions? I heard of a man in Australia that warned America that if our justices didn't reverse Roe V Wade and soon, He would remove His hand and simply let us slide. Since I can't remember the source, I will make it my own warning. We have a razor's edge chance, 40 years from this minute, to start making babies and stop killing babies.

What to do ......... Well, if I were God .......... if I were God ..... hmm ... there must be a logical reason why He's not handing over the wheel.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Draw me a picture of someone with his/her head in the sand.

I read the first two chapters of Ezekiel out of the Message translation and I didn't like it. Don't get me wrong, the translation is fine. I dig it. I didn't like the actual message God gave him:

"I'm sending you to the family of Israel, a rebellious nation if there ever was one. ... hardened in their sin. ... Don't be afraid when living among them is like stepping on thorns or finding scorpions in your bed .... Your job is to speak to them. Whether they listen is not your concern."

At that point I thought of John, the baptist. Just why was he crying in the wilderness and not on the street corner or in a nice clean house with nice clean listeners? Maybe he stanketh.

Neither of these men were socially palatable. They did not tickle a single ear. Neither these two nor several others were welcomed warmly. Few listeners said "Thank you, sir, may I have another?" If there were any Joel Olsteens among the prophets of old, I need to reread Genesis through Malachi to find them. Not even Moses, loved and respected, was full of good news.

It is the end of the week, the end of the month, the threat of mandatory Saturday overtime withdrawn when at last the full team was checked in and working full steam. We've had a wave of a viscious virus causing near death experiences in cubies all around me. The yakkin n hakkin sounded like a typical church congregation when the sermon gets long. Maybe not that bad. After my own personal 10.5 hour day, I could feel the body parts go numb one by one behind the wheel.

Since my only choices were elevator music, country, nerve jangling 21st century pseudo rock n roll, Michael Savage, or silence to fall asleep by, I chose Savage. He at least kept me fired up enough to get in the front door. I think I'll have popcorn for supper. Honey is putting in overtime at the company's annual 2 day festival. I don't have to pretend to keep up my end of a conversation. After this, I will catch the CSI rerun. Tomorrow, we'll see.

The prophets were admired and appreciated only after decades and centuries of hindsight. I look at the political mire, the determination of the enemy, and I cry out here in cyberspace.

There's a couple in our Sunday small group who will not show up if they think a lesson or series of lessons will look at the end times. In their last church in Florida, the pastor spent two solid years discussing it. They are fried. I see a pattern here. The current Christian is so accustomed to the promise of the Rapture happening any moment during this time of comfort and prosperity, they are totally unaware of the possibility of bad times before the baddest ever time of the Tribulation.

A suprised Christian is a vulnerable Christian, one who may cave in to capture by the enemy, one who hasn't prepared himself for the worst. Yes, I too am betting my chips on being taken before the tribulation's 7 years begins. But I am highly suspicious of being persecuted before that happens.

Exactly what is the posture of one whose head is in the sand? Where is the most vulnerable anatomical location?